The Wild Horses PowerPoint Background In Orange for Microsoft PowerPoint.
PowerPoint Background Detail
Background Description The Wild Horses PowerPoint Background in orange shows wild stallion ponies running free across a dusty landscape. Wild horses such as Mustangs and Brumby and feral horses are often seen as the ideal horses used in cowboy movies and herded by Native American Indians. The Wild Horses Microsoft PowerPoint background is the perfect ppt background for every equestrian, stables, horse breeding, horse riding, horseback riding, wild pony, stallions, Mustangs, wild horses, rodeo, cowboys, indians and horse PowerPoint presentations.
Compatibility:All versions of PowerPoint for both PC and MAC
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Background Features Enables you to use this graphic as a background for any presentation, or individual slide.
WWW.123PPT.COM does not appear on the purchased full resolution PowerPoint Backgrounds, and is used here only to prevent piracy.
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At 123PPT we recognize your presentation needs for creative diversity and outstanding value.
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Within our PowerPoint Backgrounds section we offer you the ability to purchase all 6 color versions of any background design for the price of just 2!
That's right, you can now purchase all 6 color versions of the Wild Horses PowerPoint Background design for just $9.90.
Saving you over $19.80 on purchasing these designs individually!
To take advantage of the Value Purchase scheme and save over $19.80 on the Wild Horses PowerPoint Background design, simply select the Value Purchase option in the Add to Cart section below and press BUY to add this item to your shopping cart. is a part of 123OfficeMedia LLC. All content within this page remains the property of User Agreement & Terms of Use prohibit the reproduction, copying or other forms of republishing without written consent.