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How to download and install PowerPoint Add-In's into Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

Welcome to 123PPT Frequently Asked Questions about PowerPoint Add-Ins.

In an effort to make the answers to your questions more readily available, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions into several categories which are listed in the right hand menu.

To find the answer to your questions, select the category that is most relevant to your enquiry.

If you have any further questions concerning PowerPoint Add-Ins, using PowerPoint Add-Ins or PowerPoint Plug-ins please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.

Questions in this category include:
  1. What is a PowerPoint Add-In?
  2. What is a PowerPoint Plug-in?
  3. What is the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio?
  4. What is the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio?
  5. What is the 123PPT Multimedia Studio Studio?
  6. Apart from the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio are there other types of PowerPoint Add-Ins available?
  7. How do I load a PowerPoint Add-In?
  8. How can I see the list of Add-Ins loaded on my machine for PowerPoint?
What is a PowerPoint Add-In?
A PowerPoint Add-In is a supplemental or additional program that extends the capabilities of Microsoft PowerPoint by adding new functionality, custom commands or specialized features.
What is a PowerPoint Plug-in?
A PowerPoint Plug-In is an old and dated version of a PowerPoint Add-In. PowerPoint no longer uses Plug-Ins but instead uses Add-Ins.
What is the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio?
The 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio is the only PowerPoint Add-In that allows you to insert, control and play video backgrounds in PowerPoint.

The 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio is an application that extends the functions and features of Microsoft Office PowerPoint by allowing users to insert, edit, control color, transparency, aspect ratio, play back speed and mange video backgrounds inside PowerPoint. The 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio Deluxe Edition also allows presenters to download and insert YouTube movies directly into PowerPoint and PowerPoint presentation slides.

For more information about the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and inserting video backgrounds in PowerPoint please see the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio section, or Download the Free 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio Trial Edition and start adding video backgrounds to your PowerPoint presentations.
What is the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio?
The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio is the only PowerPoint Add-In that allows you to create music playlists, control volume, fade music in, fade music out, cross fade and pan music in PowerPoint.

The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio is an application that extends the functions and features of Microsoft Office PowerPoint by allowing users to create playlists, add audio effects such as seamlessly loop music without any delays, synchronize sound effects with slide transitions and custom animations inside PowerPoint. The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio Deluxe Edition also allows presenters to record voice overs and vocals inside PowerPoint, edit, crop and adjust recordings and assign their narrations to slides and presentations inside PowerPoint.

For more information about the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio and controlling audio, sound and music in PowerPoint please see the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio section, or Download the Free 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio Trial Edition to gain control over your presentation audio in PowerPoint.
What is the 123PPT Multimedia Studio?
The 123PPT Multimedia Studio is a value saving bundle option for presenters who want to take advantage of both the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio to enhance their PowerPoint presentations.

For more information about the 123PPT Multimedia Studio please see the 123PPT Multimedia Studio section.
Apart from the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio are there other types of PowerPoint Add-Ins available?
Absolutely. Many different developers and organisations now make PowerPoint Add-Ins to allow for example presenters to convert their PowerPoint presentations into Adobe Flash formats.

At present 123PPT offers the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio PowerPoint Add-Ins but we are also working to extend our PowerPoint Add-In range and will be bringing new PowerPoint Add-Ins to our site and for launch shortly.

To keep up to date with 123PPT and our range of PowerPoint Add-Ins, product updates, upgrade offers and professional media products Sign Up for the Free 123PPT Newsletter.
How do I load a PowerPoint Add-In?
When you install a PowerPoint Add-In such as the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio or the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio, the PowerPoint Add-In should start automatically when you open Microsoft Office PowerPoint. If your PowerPoint Add-In does not start automatically or you cannnot see the Add-Ins functions and extensions in PowerPoint such as the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio or the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio, it may be that your PowerPoint Add-In failed to load or is disabled.

If your PowerPoint Add-In is disabled you will need to enable it in PowerPoint in order to access your PowerPoint Add-In the next time you run PowerPoint.

Both the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio both contain Troubleshooters which can always be accessed from the Windows Start > All Porgrams menu and will re-enable the applications if they have been accidentally disabled or disabled by Windows during a recent Windows Update.
How can I see the list of Add-Ins loaded on my machine for PowerPoint?
To see a list of all PowerPoint Add-Ins currently loaded and active in PowerPoint, select Tools > Add-Ins from the PowerPoint main menu in PowerPoint 2000, 2002 (XP) and 2003 to bring up the list of all installed PowerPoint Add-Ins on your machine.

To see a list of all PowerPoint Add-Ins currently loaded and active in PowerPoint 2007 or PowerPoint 2010, open PowerPoint and select the Office Button. Select PowerPoint Options and then select Add-Ins from the PowerPoint Options dialog window to see a list of all installed PowerPoint Add-Ins on your machine.
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