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How to embed mp3's and music files in PowerPoint and how to assign sound effects to slides, animations and transitions.

Welcome to 123PPT Frequently Asked Questions about Sound Effects and Music products.

In an effort to make the answers to your questions more readily available, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions into several categories which are listed in the right hand menu.

To find the answer to your questions, select the category that is most relevant to your enquiry.

If you have any further questions concerning's Sound Effects and background Music Loop products and services, please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.

For users wishing to learn "How to...", offers PowerPoint Tips and Tricks for Sound Effects & Music, providing detailed step-by-step help, techniques, and assistance, as well as indepth articles and commentaries from leading industry experts providing Presentation Articles and Advice.

Questions in this category include:
  1. How quickly can I start using PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects?
  2. What are PowerPoint Music Loops?
  3. What are Sound Effects?
  4. What are PowerPoint Music Loop & Sound Effect Previews?
  5. What is the difference between a PowerPoint Music Loop & Sound Effect Preview and my actual purchase?
  6. Do the PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects from 123PPT work with PowerPoint for Macintosh and PC?
  7. In what audio format are the PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects provided?
  8. Why are the PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects provided in this format?
  9. In what versions of PowerPoint can I use PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects?
  10. How do I apply a Sound Effect to my PowerPoint presentation?
  11. How do I apply a PowerPoint Music Loop to my PowerPoint presentation?
  12. How can I make the most of my presentation music and sound effects in PowerPoint?
  13. Am I free to use any Sound Effect as often as I like?
  14. Am I free to use any PowerPoint Music Loop as often as I like?
  15. Does 123PPT provide a custom PowerPoint Music service?
How quickly can I start using PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects?
You can download PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects immediately upon purchase.

After confirming your Shopping Cart, you will be transferred to PayPal, our preferred secure payment transactions host. Where you are required to complete your credit card information which will then allow you to download your order right away.
What are PowerPoint Music Loops?
PowerPoint Music Loops are music tracks that are composed in such a way as to allow seamless looping.

The ability for a music track to loop and last for the duration of a slide, a whole presentation, or infinitely if necessary as in self-running and looping presentations. Allows music to be embedded within the PowerPoint presentation, and gain extra attention and audience enthusiasm.

PowerPoint Music Loops can help set the mood or tempo of presentation, as well as reinforce the communicative values of theme and content. For example, imagine a presentation about positive future development and growth. Now imagine a presentation concerning eastern lifestyle and culture.

The power of PowerPoint Music Loops not only underline the feeling of any presentation but can be used to gain audience focus when used upon the opening Title Slide of an interactive presentation or drive attention to automated and self-running presentations.
What are Sound Effects?
Sound Effects are sounds used to capture an action, or audibly illustrate an event or point. For example, a Telephone.

As is so often the case, Sound Effects are used to illustrate key or bullet points and draw audience attention to specific content. For example, imagine a bullet point within your presentation entering the screen with a Sound Effect.
What are PowerPoint Music Loop & Sound Effect Previews?
A PowerPoint Music Loop & Sound Effect Preview is a Low Resolution compressed version of the file available for purchase.

PowerPoint Music Loop & Sound Effect Previews provide the ability to listen and audition any PowerPoint Music Loop or Sound Effect from the 123PPT PowerPoint Music and PowerPoint Sound Effects sections.
What is the difference between a PowerPoint Music Loop & Sound Effect Preview and my actual purchase?
A PowerPoint Music Loop & Sound Effect Preview is a compressed 8 Bit, 22000Hz Mono Low Resolution file that enables auditioning of the original file that is available for download after purchase.

A purchased original file is uncompressed, and produced in high definition 16 Bit, 44100Hz stereo CD quality WAV format.

As such, the Preview audition sounds "flatter" and "duller" than its original Master. As the majority of low, middle, and high range of the sound is clipped and compressed "flattening" the sound to produce a Preview.

As an example, you can hear the difference in sound quality of a compressed Preview Sample (35Kb), versus that of the actual Purchased Master (1.57Mb) file.
Due to HTML5 limitations your browser may pause and create a delay or "jump" at the end of each loop during play back as your browser resets to replay the file.

Please Note: Delays do not occur in PowerPoint and every PowerPoint Music Loop is quality assured to play and loop seamlessly.
Do the PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects from 123PPT work with PowerPoint for Macintosh and PC?
All PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects from 123PPT are cross-platform and work for both Macintosh and PC Windows PowerPoint application owners.
In what audio format are the PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects provided?
All Sound Effects and background Music Loops are produced in .WAV format.
Why are the Sound Effects and PowerPoint Music Loops provided in this format?
The .WAV sound format is the default format of Microsoft PowerPoint which enables sound files of the .WAV extension to be imported into all versions of the application.

Other sound formats such as .WMA, .AIF and .RAW, are not currently supported within Microsoft PowerPoint.
In what versions of PowerPoint can I use PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects?
You can use PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects in all versions of PowerPoint including 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010 as well as the latest Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 release.

All PowerPoint Music Loops and Sound Effects from 123PPT play in Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows8 and are all fully compatible with all versions of the Apple OS on the Apple Mactintosh platform.
How do I apply a Sound Effect to my PowerPoint presentation?
The easiest way to apply your Sound Effect to your PowerPoint presentation is with The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio.

If you are not using The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio for PowerPoint, then you can still apply your Sound Effect to your PowerPoint presentation by:
  1. After downloading and uncompressing your Sound Effect(s) onto your hard disk, open the presentation you wish to use the Sound Effect or create a new blank presentation in PowerPoint.
  2. Select the slide you wish to insert the Sound Effect.
  3. Select "Custom Animation" from the Slide Show menu option. The Custom Animation pop-up window should appear.
  4. Select the object you wish to assign the Sound Effect to and check its tick box.
  5. Click the "Effects" menu folder.
  6. Select the "[No Sound]" pull down form.
  7. Scroll down to the very bottom of the form until you see "Other Sound ..."
  8. Select "Other Sound". The "Add Sound" pop-up window should now appear.
  9. Navigate to the Sound Effect on your hard drive and select the file.
  10. The Custom Animation pop-up window should appear again, with the name of the Sound Effect .WAV file in the sound form.
  11. Choose "Preview" to preview the Sound Effect upon the object you assigned it to.
  12. Choose "OK" to return to your presentation.
How do I apply a PowerPoint Music Loop to my PowerPoint presentation?
The easiest way to apply your PowerPoint Music Loop to your PowerPoint presentation for seamless looping music is with The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio.

If you are not using The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio for PowerPoint, then you can still apply your PowerPoint Music Loop to your PowerPoint presentation by:
  1. After downloading and uncompressing your PowerPoint Music Loop(s) onto your hard disk, open the presentation that you wish to use your PowerPoint Music Loop in or create a new blank presentation in PowerPoint.
  2. Select the slide you wish to insert your PowerPoint Music Loop.
  3. Select "Slide Transition" from the Slide Show menu option. A Slide Transition pop-up window should appear.
  4. Select the "Sound" pull down form in the lower right hand corner of the pop-up window.
  5. Scroll down to the very bottom of the form until you see "Other Sound ..."
  6. Select "Other Sound". The "Add Sound" pop-up window should now appear.
  7. Navigate to your PowerPoint Music Loop on your hard drive and select the file.
  8. The Slide Transition pop-up window should appear again, with the name of the PowerPoint Music Loop .WAV file in the sound form.
  9. To loop your PowerPoint Music Loop, select the tick box, "Loop until next sound".
  10. Choose "Apply" (NOT apply to all) and you should return to the original page.
  11. Select "View Show" from the Slide Show menu option to hear the looped sound.
How can I make the most of my presentation music and sound effects in PowerPoint?
To make the most of your presentation music and sound effects we recommend using The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio.

The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio is the only way to control audio in PowerPoint and provides features and functions such as complete volume control, fade in, fade out, cross fade and pan.

In addition, The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio allows you to record voice overs and vocals inside PowerPoint, edit and crop your recordings and add your narration to your PowerPoint slides.

For more information about The 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio please see the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio product section.
Am I free to use any Sound Effect as often as I like?
By purchasing a 123PPT Sound Effect you purchase a royalty free usage license for the Sound Effect.

Your royalty free license allows you to use your Sound Effect in any PowerPoint presentation as often as you wish without the need to pay any further license or additional fee.

However, you are not permitted to re-sell the Sound Effect for any or other commercial purposes and in the event of doing so 123PPT recognizes its legal right as author of the Sound Effect.

Further information regarding Sound Effects by 123PPT and Sound Effect Copyright can be found within the Copyright & License frequently asked questions listing.
Am I free to use any PowerPoint Music Loop as often as I like?
By purchasing a 123PPT PowerPoint Music Loop you purchase a royalty free usage license for the PowerPoint Music track.

Your royalty free license allows you to use your PowerPoint Music Loop in any PowerPoint presentation as often as you wish without the need to pay any further license or additional fee.

However, you are not permitted to re-sell the PowerPoint Music Loop for any or other commercial purposes and in the event of doing so 123PPT recognizes its legal right as author of the Music Loop, track and score.

Further information regarding PowerPoint Music Loops by 123PPT and PowerPoint Music Loops Copyright can be found within the Copyright & License frequently asked questions listing.
Does 123PPT provide a custom PowerPoint Music service?
Yes indeed. At 123PPT, our sound engineers, composers and musician department are happy to compose, create, and develop your own unique Sound Brand Identity, unique custom composition, unique soundtrack or intro jingle.

To learn more about how you can create the kind of impact that you need to raise awareness and focus attention. Select Presentation Services from the left hand menu and discover how we can design customized sound that:
  • Uniquely brands your corporate identity in digital media.
  • Gains your audiences attention and focus.
  • Supports, enhances, and underlines your key communication messages and statements.
  • Strengthens the goals of your presentation to meet your business objectives.
  • Creates communication that goes beyond words, slides, and visual stimulus.
  • Induces multiple responses in enthusiasm, movement, mood, emotion and behaviour.
Allowing 123PPT to compose your own unique presentation music or soundtrack ensures that your presentations will:
  • Reinforce your branding.
  • Stand out from other presentations.
  • Deliver a professional message.
  • Communicate clearly and concisely.
  • Extend the values, and efforts that you should wish to project.
  • Keep your audience engaged through self-running and interactive experiences.
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