Download the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio for PowerPoint to create music playlists and control sound in your presentations.
If you have purchased your license for the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio™, please download and install the the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio Trial Edition following the links below and once installed follow the directions provided in ACTIVATE YOUR PRODUCT.
If you have not purchased a license for the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio but would like to try the application first, the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio can be downloaded and installed as a Free 14 Day Trial Edition *.
Before downloading please note: * Your browser privacy or content settings must be set to accept cookies. * Ensure that your firewall, antivirus application or browser security settings allow you to download Winzip (*.zip) file types.
If you experience difficulties in accessing your free trial or experience difficulties downloading WinZip files or extracting WinZip files on your PC or network please view here.
Once installed you can purchase your product license to activate your product and allow you to import your own audio files, as well as remove watermarking and Trial Edition limitations.
* All presentations created with your Trial Edition version will watermark 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio Trial Edition over your presentations during play back. This watermark is removed once you register and activate your license.
Once you've downloaded and installed your free 14 day Trial Edition of the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio, and experienced the power of controlling music and sound effects in your own PowerPoint presentations. Imagine the impact your next presentation could have?
Before you can download the free trial edition of the 123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio you must submit your email address and successfully enter the details of the security image which is displayed when you select the download link above.
Please ensure to use your correct email address and to submit the details of the security image correctly.
If you successfully entered your email address and completed the details of the security image but failed to access the download files then this is due to your browser's Privacy Security Settings blocking session cookies.
Please reduce your browsers Privacy Security Settings to MEDIUM and accept session cookies before attempting to download.
If your browsers Privacy Security Settings is adjusted to accept session cookies but you are still unable to download or access the Trial Edition please ensure that your firewall and/ or antivirus software allows you to download WinZip (*.zip) files. is a part of 123OfficeMedia LLC. All content within this page remains the property of User Agreement & Terms of Use prohibit the reproduction, copying or other forms of republishing without written consent.