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November 15, 2004 Edition Nr: 002
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Questions asked to the experts in this edition:

I am using OFFICE 2003 Windows XP both professional versions. Under Animate a Chart, I am attempting to follow your tutorial.
After Click on Custom Animation, I do not see the illustrated dialog box, nor can I find the following steps, after I select Custom Animation.
Hi Geraldine, thanks for your question.
To add one of the basic animation effects to your chart, Choose Slide Show > Custom Animation and click the Chart Effects tab.
This animation works on the chart as a whole, not the individual bars of your chart Geraldine.
In PowerPoint 2003 Geraldine, PowerPoint treats your chart as an object not as individual bars, or segments. In order to animate your chart individually, you must first ungroup the bars within your chart.
To ungroup a chart or table, right-click it and choose Grouping>Ungroup (for a chart) or Ungroup (for a table). At the message asking if you want to convert the chart or table, click Yes.
Click the chart or table. If you don't see lots of objects, you must ungroup it again as they are still grouped.
You should now be able to follow the tutorial Geraldine.
If the Chart Animation tab is missing when you try to animate chart elements. For example, you click Effect Options on the shortcut menu of an animation effect added to a chart, but the Chart Animation tab does not appear in the Effect dialog box that opens. Then it is most likely that the chart in your presentation has been pasted as a link to an Excel chart.
Chart animation does not support the animation of chart elements when a chart is pasted as a link. For this reason, the Chart Animation tab does not appear.
To work around this behavior, do not click Paste link in the Paste Special dialog box when you are pasting an Excel chart into the presentation.
I hope this helps Geraldine, but please, don't hesitate to contact me directly if you need further help or assistance. I'll have you animating as quickly as possible :)
Michael Ross, Technical Developer 123Powerpoint.com
How can I change the colour of hyperlinks in PowerPoint 2003 to match the colour scheme of my presentation? |
Hi Frederik, many thanks for your question.
To change the colour of your hyperlinks in PowerPoint 2003 to any colour that can match the colour scheme of your presentation:
- Choose Slide Design from the Format main menu option.
- Click Color Schemes in the Slide Design window.
- "Apply a color scheme:" appears beside the thumbnail images at the top of the window.
- Click "Edit Color Schemes" at the bottom of the window and the "Edit Color Scheme" dialog box appears.
- Click the Custom tab.
- Eight colour squares are now visible. The bottom two coloured squares, "Accent and hyperlink", and "Accent and followed hyperlink" are the colours used in your presentation for your text hyperlinks, and visited text hyperlinks.
- Doubleclick the "Accent and hyperlink" colour square, this sets the colour of your hyperlinked text, and choose a new Standard or Custom colour in the color selection dialog box that appears and click OK.
- Doubleclick the "Accent and followed hyperlink" colour square, this sets the colour of your visited hyperlinked text, and choose a new Standard or Custom colour in the color selection dialog box that appears and click OK.
- Click "Apply" if you wish to apply these colours to the current slide only, or click "Apply to All" to apply the change to all the text hyperlinks throughout your entire presentation.
And thats all there is to it Frederik. I hope this helps you gain greater control over the look of your slides, and don't hesitate to drop in and ask more questions if there's anything I can do to help you further.
Charles Henry, Designer 123Powerpoint.com
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