Add Video Effects
The Video Effects that are included within Producer 2003, enable you to alter and adjust the images that are contained within a video clip.
Effects such as Fade in From Black, which enables you to fade your video clip in from black to gain that extra professional effect, are widely used, whilst, effects such as Rotate 180 will enable you to rotate your clip 180 degrees, in effect, play it upside down!
To choose an effect, click on the Video Effects in the tree pane.
Selecting Video Effects in the left tree pane
Alternatively, you can also select Video Effects from the Tools menu.
Selecting Video Effects from the main menu
A scrollable list of Video Effects icons, now appear in the center pane, along with the names of the effect beneath them.
To preview any effect, simply click the thumbnail of the effect in the center pane to select it, and then press the Play button in the video preview window to preview it.
Select a Video Transition from the available transitions displayed in the center pane
Once you have selected the video effect you would like to use, click and drag the transition down into the timeline. Placing it onto the video clip for which the effect is intended.
A paint can icon will then appear on the clip, indicating that one or more effects have been applied to that clip.
A paint can appears on the clip to which your effect has been applied
To manage sinlge or multiple effects on a video clip, right click on your video clip in the timeline to which you have applied one or more effects and select Effects... from the dialog menu options that appear.
Click the Play button in the video preview pane to view the transition effect on your timeline
A new dialog pop up window appears that allows you to add, remove, and order the positions of your effects for that video clip.
Adjust the duration and position of the video transition effect from the timeline
Click here to continue to the final page of this tutorial and learn How to Synchronize audio and video with slides and images.