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Presentation at an interview next week

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Category: Presentation Help & Techniques
Forum Name: Job Presentations
Forum Discription: Help with career presentations and job interviews
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Topic: Presentation at an interview next week
Posted By: mourya
Subject: Presentation at an interview next week
Date Posted: 29 Jun 2011 at 11:39

Hey guys,

I am new to this forum but I hope u will help me.I got an interview next week.

My prospective employer has asked me to present 30 slides about myself and my project.
I have created the project slides, but i am not able to create slides about me, i am not getting any idea how to effectively write about myself or create those slides, plz help me with this if you can.

Posted By: Jonathan Stock
Date Posted: 29 Jun 2011 at 11:53

Hi mourya,

ask anyone what is the hardest thing to do and they will often say write about themselves.

If you look at any dating web site for example, you'll always see people defining precisely what they want in their future partner. The qualities, and the attributes. But then when they come to the part to talk about themselves....suddenly things become a little cloudy and fuzzy.

In many ways mourya, you are lucky in respect to already having a defined framework in which to create your presentation. 30 slides.

So perhaps from this point this is where we should begin to break your presentation down.

I imagine that you have been able to write for example 10 -15 slides about your project, which would leave then approximately 15 slides to describe you.

In this respect lets look at the following questions.

  1. What did you enjoy about the project?
  2. What did you find most difficult about the project?
  3. How do you think the project represents you?
  4. Do you think aspects of your prersonality helped you complete the project? For example, determination.
  5. What do you think the proejct has given you?
  6. Do you think any aspect of your background has contributed to the project?
  7. Is the project something that you enjoyed? If so why?
  8. Did the project inspire you at all? If so how?
  9. What else inspires you?
  10. Was there anything better that you could have done in the project? For example finished the project sooner? Is this something that is typical in other aspects of your life? For example, often late for meetings, etc.

By simply writing out a series of questions mourya, and relating them to the project and yourself, you'll see how quickly it is to fill the slide allocation that you have been given.

For example, taking the questions I have outlined above and writing the answers to them on your slides (not the questions as these are for stimulation for you to write towards) you can see that if you answered simply one question per slide you would already fill 10 slides.

While it is often very difficult to write about oneself mourya, an easy trick is as I say to write about yourself in relation to a subject which in this case is your project.

Hope this helps.

Jonathan Stock
Presentation Consultant,

Posted By: mourya
Date Posted: 29 Jun 2011 at 11:56
Totally awesome Jonathan. Huge thanks!

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