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Everyone is talking about the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and how it transforms PowerPoint presentations.The 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio™ has revolutionized and transformed the way in which presenters and users of Microsoft Office PowerPoint make and create PowerPoint presentations.
From our initial product launch and release in 2008, the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio has raised the expectations audiences now have from viewing PowerPoint presentations and established the global standard to which all PowerPoint presentations are now measured.
With over half a million downloads worldwide, the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio is used by Fortune 500 companies, many of the world's leading brands, by governments and local authorities, hospitals, hotels, retailers and outlets. Institutions, churches, schools, corporate sales and communications, advertising agencies, bureaus and designers. From individual presenters to department and company wide users, the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio allows everyone to create the next generation of PowerPoint presentations simply and effectively and create audience engaging television "TV-Style" presentations inside PowerPoint.
In full screen and in full motion, from the lowest screen resolutions to full broadcast quality high-definition (HD), the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio lets you create the presentations your imagination has always wanted to achieve but never been previously possible to produce.
As users of the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio continue to share their experiences and tell us of their presentation successes. The Reviews section allows us to present a selection of some of the many thousands of testimonials and accolades we have received since the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio first welcomed users to the future of PowerPoint.

| "We might be Disney, but like every company we're using our standard and branded PowerPoint Templates for internal communications, sales, corporate presentations, partners and customer promotions.
PowerPoint Templates really lack the energy and passion that we try to get across.
Brand wise, they really don't represent or allow us to get the kind of impact people have come to expect from Disney.
When we started using the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio our presentations really moved onto the next level. Time and time again I see our customers jaws drop wide open."
David Getz,
The Walt Disney Company. |
"The best piece of software I have ever bought!"
Richard Raab,
IBM Corporation. |
"When I need to make a presentation I usually don't have weeks to prepare or budgets to outsource to make great looking slides. I just need to get the job done fast and need the presentation to represent our values.
For Marriott, a presentation is the opportunity to communicate. As a world class hospitality company in a complex industry, communication like presentation is everything.
The 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio finally provides us with the tools we need to create world-class presentations that reflect our position."
Lisa Kaufman,
Marriott International Inc. |
"It's the same problem we deal with everytime we give a presentation. How do we get people to really focus and not only listen to what we say but look at what we're saying?
We know most people aren't interested in the technical in's and out's and innovations of alot of our work. It's the speed and the opportunities that processing power offers that really gets people buzzing.
Creating presentations with the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio in PowerPoint was easy and extremely intuitive. The results speak for themselves and I dare anyone who tries it not to be impressed."
John Davis,
Intel Corporation. |
"Your website was making promises I was sure your software couldn't deliver...I was wrong...It not only delivers it exceeds!
My only regret was not discovering your software before now. We could have saved a small fortune on outsourced agency fees that we've paid creatives for making presentations we needed for our expo stands at trade fairs. Just to rub salt into the wound we were able to make much better presentations with your software and PowerPoint than our agency was able to achieve in PowerPoint alone."
Joseph Fleming,
Ericsson AB. |
"I don't think I'll ever be able to make a PowerPoint presentation without using video backgrounds and the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio again. To do so would be like owning a Ferrari but only ever being allowed to drive it in first gear."
Corwin Green,
Advanced Biotech Inc. |
"I just wasted $150 buying the Crystal Graphics Video Player for PowerPoint. I've tried to get my money back and suddenly they don't answer phones or reply to mail...so much for that.
Why oh why aren't you guys more visible online? The 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio is amazing...it was exactly what I was hoping for and more...some of the functionality, especially the YouTube stuff is fantastic. Love the performance. Love the ease of use. I've already started blogging about it because it's seriously the best thing that has ever happened to PowerPoint."
Josh Minke,
Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. |
"After using your product I can't imagine how I ever survived without it. It not only makes my presentations look like they were made in a video suite but gets rid of that whole slideshow thing.
Now my presentations are like movies. In fact I might even start selling tickets to audiences if they want to watch my next one!"
Michael Scheck,
West Piedmont Workforce Investment Board. |
"I think I've probably made hundreds if not thousands of presentations during the past 20 years. Since we use a corporate presentation template I have never really thought about how similar each presentation actually looks before I started using the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio. To be completely truthful it's only the title of the presentation and the content which differs in our presentations. Somewhere along the way I think we've replaced communication and meaning with complacency and monotony.
The initial reaction from the marketing department was that although effect was cool and far reaching, it would take too much time and effort to produce really professional looking presentations with video backgrounds internally. How wrong could we have been?
I used 15 minutes to make my first presentation from scratch with video backgrounds and the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio. I then used literally 2 minutes to add video backgrounds to every slide in an old presentation containing 80 slides to breathe some life into it and spruce it up a bit!
I'm just writing to let you know that since we licensed the product and commissioned our own branded video background (which we now use in every presentation) I'm working harder and harder to make better content because now our audiences are really watching, reading and paying attention to our slides and what we have to say."
Rhonda Balcar,
Nordstrom Inc. |
"Has to be one of the best bits of software on the market...the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio is to PowerPoint what milk is to cheese - impossible to produce good results or make successfully without it."
Mark Ziebka,
Mattel Inc. |
"I'm sitting here scratching my head trying to understand why Microsoft hasn't bought you guys and implemented your software in PowerPoint?
I'll never make another presentation without the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio."
Maria Del Vento,
The McDonald Performing Arts College, Australia. |
"Packs more functionality in its application than Microsoft does in the whole of PowerPoint. The 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio is the only way to make a PowerPoint presentation for audiences in the 21st century."
Warren White,
Viacom Inc. |

We would like to learn about your experiences with using the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio and share them with other users and presenters. If you would like to share your experiences and provide review of the 123PPT Video Backgrounds Studio please complete the form below.